


The problem
When you choose to like a Facebook page, whether it is of a celebrity, non-profit, cool company, or news organiation, you expect to receive occasional or regular notifications from that page. However, because organic reach of fan pages have declined considerably over the years, chances are, you'll see only a tiny fraction of those updates. According to one study, organic reach for some pages is as low as 4%.

App solution
This app pulls data from the Facebook Graph API and helps you stay on top of the upcoming events of pages you've liked, as well as see their recent posts - all on one page


  • Facebook Graph API
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery

Data Transparency Lab Hackathon @ Columbia University

I entered the Data Transparency Lab Hackathon at Columbia University with two Web Development classmates and two friends from the UX class at General Assembly. It was a solid team particularly because the judging criteria for the hackathon was looking not only for technical difficutly but also for visual appeal.

We ended up landing in first place to our surprise! During the course of the eight hour event, we built an app that sought to plot leaked location data on Google Maps and allowing users the ability to view on StreetMaps the specific locations where their locations were leaked from unsafe apps.

Although we managed to successfully call the Google Maps Javascript API and render a regular Google Maps as well as Street View, due to a database issue, we were not able to seed the location data and thus render them on the map as different markers.

Overall, the experience helped us work together under pressure, and become better communicators.

Track Map

I developed Track Map to gain practice in working with an API and rendering API results in our very own Node Express app. I chose the Google Maps API because I wanted hands on experience with a very well known API. I knew that there would be better documentation for it and also felt it would be more likely for me to use again.

The most difficult aspect of this project was learning how to quickly adapt to a new API. I used the Google Maps Javascript API. I had difficulty in rendering multiple maps in an .ejs file and therefore eventually settled for only links to saved locations instead of actually displaying.

Space Shooter

Our prompt in this project was to create a game, utilizing our knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript to build our very first app. I chose a space shooter game in particular because I wanted a game that I'd want to play myself. This game required a few key things to function:

  • Player movement
  • Bullet firing and
  • bullet movement
  • Collision detection
  • Use of get method to display player name on game page
